Beers in Boston around Christmas?

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2003
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Anyone interested? I've been invited up to a friends house for Christmas and will probably be hanging out in Boston for a few days before and after Christmas. I might be up for a hike as well but am currently car less, so meeting for a drink or meal in Boston would probably be easier, somewhere I can take the T to. :)
Count me in, Freddy. I'll be in MA until Dec. 23, leaving that day to head to CT, then returning Dec. 26 during the day some time.
Great, how about the night of the 27th then? I think one of you would be better off picking a place as I haven't been to Boston in a while.... any bar or restaurant would be fine with me. Thanks, Fred
I'm hopefully heading up to the Whites early on the 29th, but will do my best to make it. Someone pick the spot (BTW, I'm not a Kinsale fan :)) How about the Boston Beerworks near the "Gahden"?

Lisa, you can be our spokesmodel/organizer/beer wench :)
SherpaKroto said:
Lisa, you can be our spokesmodel/organizer/beer wench :)

I love being a beer wench! :eek:

sapblatt said:
sullivan's tap anyone?

Hmmmmm, I'd vote for Boston Beer Works. I think I need to have a few beers in me before I head to Sullivan's Tap! ;) Though if Funky Freddy is a fan of McSorley's in NYC, then Sullivan's Tap will seem downright hifalutin (sp?)
Any of those sound fine with me, long as I can get a nice dark beer on tap I will be a happy camper/tourist! :D Lisa, I haven't been to McSorley's in a long time, brings back memories..... that was a spot I used to take some of my tourist friends for a unique NYC experience!

Sherpa, it will be good to see you again and meet everyone else that I have yet to meet face to face. Anyone else in the Boston area game? It looks like I might be in Boston more often this coming year so we will have to plan on some hikes over a beer or 2. Thanks, Fred
funkyfreddy said:
Any of those sound fine with me, long as I can get a nice dark beer on tap ...

Consider Bukowski's in the Back Bay, it's behind the Hynes Convention Center on Dalton Street. It is in the bottom level of a parking garage.......they have many beers on tap and an IPA "with the devil inside" Good eats too.

I like to meet some of you, but I am traveling for the holidays....ENJOY!!!!
giggy said:
where we meeting - centerfolds???

Hey, just cuz I'm the designated beer wench doesn't mean I'm gonna consent to Centerfolds! :D ;) I have my standards, after all. No place other than the Golden Banana will do! :eek:
ahhhh the ole bannana - brings back many college memories. Unlike you - I have no stardards!! :D :D

I plan to be there - sully's tap is good

mcsorelys - is the the place in the east village where you could only order 2 beers at a time and there basically no selection at all - and they are mean has hell to you? If so - I have been there - sawdust on floor, etc....
No place other than the Golden Banana will do!

Just for the record it's "DB's" Golden Banana and the pitchers across the highway at the Cabaret are cheaper. ;)

That's what i heard anyways. ;) ;)

BTW, How about the Red Hat? Down a bit from the State House and 2 blocks from the Kinsale. Good food...plenty of room downstairs and a good "Boston" bar-type feel. Just a suggestion...I'm not the wench. ;)


so the 27th is the date?
right now im about 80% sure i can go.
giggy, you will have to let me know where these place are, as i dont usually go out for beers outside of providence. let me know what T stop to take.
Golden Banana has been closed for years, and yes - it was tax evasion...(living in Peabody I am up in these things...)
I can be at Sullys, BBW or Red Hat by 4:45...waiting for the beer wench to rule on where we will be!