Beers in Boston around Christmas?

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Jaytrek57 said:
If you are standing in FRONT of the Kinsale, the Red Hat is exactly two blocks to YOUR right. Right on the corner.

Or, if you are standing in FRONT of the 21st Amendment you take a left and walk down the hill (Bowdin Street).

Or, if you are standing in FRONT of the Beacon Hill Pub you take a left, walk up Cambridge Street (approx 10 blocks).

You know you have problems when all your directions are based on bar locations. ;)
Ah yes, but are you facing the bar, or the gutter? I guess I can just follow my nose...

Pub Crawl: my record is around 36. Yikes!

Sapblatt is being modest: he's seen the Rat from the stage: both upstairs and down stairs. Now THAT's pub crawling! When he casually mentioned that, to me, it was just about the most impressive claim to fame I've heard!
QUOTE]Deck the hall! No pub crawl would be complete unless there were 48 pubs in all, each with 99 beers on the wall.[/QUOTE]

That's a total of 4, 752 beers. What would everyone else drink? ;)
I now have Wednesday off. And Thursday. And Friday... This can only lead to no good...

And to start a new tradition, I suggest that whoever drives furthest to get there, drinks free. 200 mile rule applies, however ;). Fred - you and teejay do the math, and fight it out :) unless of course Bubba or Guinness show up. Then again, there is also Gris...
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The Channel and the Rat? - Rat brew on tap mmmmmmmmh plastic rat on the handle and all. Saw - Agnostic front, Dead Milk men, Chilli Peppers, Mojo Nixon and more at the Channel and Circle Js either there or at the Paradise, .... Always walked past Narcisis.
Gang Green everywhere.......
I hate to say this, but I didn't make it to Boston for Christmas:( I've been fighting a cold all week and it has turned into bad bronchial infection..... so unfortunately tomorrow the only thing I be will drinking is chicken soup and hot tea :mad: I feel like a real wimp and my friends were very disappointed that I didn't show up.......apparently I missed 2-3 days of extra special holiday revelry, but if I had I probably would have given myself pneumonia!

I hope to be in Boston again soon though, so please forgive me! I hope everyone has a great time and I'm disappointed I won't get to meet everyone this time around.
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Chicken soup vs beer!

funkyfreddy said:
I hate to say this, but I didn't make it to Boston for Christmas:( I've been fighting a cold all week and it has turned into bad bronchial infection..... so unfortunately tomorrow the only thing I be will drinking is chicken soup ....apparently I missed 2-3 days of extra special holiday revelry!

You don't have to go to Boston to drink beer - take it from me! But get well, and drink that chicken soup, so it doesn't look like all us Freddys are beer guzzlers!

It won't be the same without you, FunkyFreddy. But we'll be sure to toast to your good health and a future visit to Beantown...

Good cheer from the official beer wench... :D
Ok, I'l try to wait until 4:35 to get there.

Freddy: The ONLY reason I came in today was to hoist a few with you and the gang! I was given a comp day today (and fortunately tomorrow...) but decided to come in anyway to celebrate. BTW, I forgot the thank you for coming up with thais idea. We'll hoist one (two, three...) to you in honor!

Let's see, 7 hours to beer time. Clean the lines, tap the kegs, chill the frosties, and batten down the hatches! Can't hike, so I'm going to drink!

Edit: can't wait until 4:35. Make it 4:00. :cool:
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haven't been there in a while - pretty sure there is an upstairs and downstairs -

my memory is bad - is upstairs better?

just decided - works is pretty dead - heading over earlier - more towrds 4-4:30ish
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I'm going to be in Boston later, and will be stopping by! Looking forward to meeting a lot of you guys, and pestering you to ski or hike later this week! :cool:
Downstairs is better suited for our needs.

I'll try to get there around 4:30pm, but more likely 5:00pm.

BTW, I thinking of a number between 1-10. First one to guess it, gets to buy me a beer. ;)
