Do we want more snow?

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Do you want more snow in the mountains this winter?

  • Yes, bring it on!

    Votes: 106 69.3%
  • No, isn't it time for spring?

    Votes: 47 30.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The snowbanks up the street from me are HALFWAY TO THE TELEPHONE LINES. It only took ABC a few weeks to cancel the Cavemen show - let's cancel winter already!
no more snow

No more snow least down here in the populated zones..8 foot bankings..hidden street signs..blind roads and driveways..roof shoveling....I for one have developed a bit of bursytis in the right shoulder,,brings back the old volleyball days...I am employing a stratagy of warm roofs and heat cables to get the water off..time will tell if it works.....other than that the hiking is awesome..breaking trails a trip but once busted out the surfaces couldn't be ice to speak of and some sparkling bluebird skies..on vacation next week..hoping for some blue slies and fine hiking....
I strongly suspect that the poll is heavily weighted by those living below the snow belt who can simply drive up here and have fun. After hours and hours and hours of snow shoveling and snow blowing, which has taken time away from many other things including hiking I would be glad for a reprieve.
Well tomorrow the 8 foot snow banks in my driveway will get 2" of rain on them and end up in my basement, so at this point I would vote for about 3-4 weeks of sun and 40 - 50 degree temps.
I've noticed that ever since that last snowstorm that the "snow/no snow" vote has changed from 77/23% to 70/30%. That represents a sea change of public opinion! The masses are seeing the light and craving the heat of summer!

No more snow!! Yes we can!! Hallelujah brothers and sisters!!!
hope "spring"s eternal....

The temperatures teased us last week with a taste of spring when the red stuff reached above 40 degrees :eek: :) and then plunged us this weekend back into the frigid reality that Old Man Winter's heart is still frozen. :( ....still, there are signs that spring is cat is shedding like crazy!!! And he's manufacturing hairballs on overtime, stockpiling his arsenal of furry projectiles (unfortunately it's usually around 2 am....I think he's practicing for the launch of Endeavor tomorrow :D). Anyway, the molting of my cat's fur coat is a surer sign of spring coming than any groundhog could ever hope to forecast, and proves that inside every hairball, there is indeed a silver lining. Hope "spring"s eternal....or maybe it's launched. ;)
Count me as one who has had enough.... at least at home. That last 2 feet really did it. Light doesn't come in the first floor windows anymore. Heck, I lost my bicycle in that last storm. I was away, and my neighbor's snowblower covered it.... speaking of bicycles.. This winter has been my toughest commuting winter in at least 20 years.
no more snow

I'm sticking with the no more snow.. downcountry at least A nice gradual warmup and long sunny days would do wonders in reducing the snowbanks at home...But I do have to say that the couple of inches of fluff last night on top of nice groomed corduroy made for some pretty sweet skiing today at Bretton Woods..Hey..I know this is a hiking forum but a little speed now and then is fine..I t was excellent today..strong but not cold..light if it stayed sunny all day with just a little fluff on the ski trails..well that would be okay..wouldn't it? :cool:
No More Snow

Saw 2 major accidents yesterday on the Everett in NH and one in Chelmsford, and it hadn't even really snowed much, and there was no traffic at 7:30 AM. We had maybe an inch or little more of the white stuff! :eek:

I have had it, I am ready to put on my shorts and run and hike the trails in warm sunlight!
Always looking for more snow, but...

There is almost too much in the mountains right now. Actually, the depths aren't what is amazing. The water equivalent of the snow is very high. On my hike up Mt Tom last weekend, the rain was locked up in the snow, because of the flash freeze. But you can tell the snow pack is ripe, and can't take much more.


Nothing like seeing 10-20 inches+ of liquid equivalent.

If the frequency of spring storms is anything like it was during winter, this is going to be quite the spring flood season.

Steady snow all afternoon (Thursday, 3/20) with negligible accumulation on the ground @ 1200', but the trees are loaded with white again. Smart gear for tomorrow: waterproof hat, neck gaitor, jacket, and pack cover for close encounters with dripping trees.
I find it interesting how Snow Depths drop off VERY Quickly only about an hour South of the Whites. Very Western like feel.
They drop off drastically from Bedford (home) to Nashua (work, two towns south). Actually, by Merrimack (next town) it's mostly gone.

It's been this way for many weeks even.

snow...oh no


I walk into the Corner House Inn in Sandwich for dinner and a beverage and announce to the crowded and lively room

"Hey's snowing out!" which it was..on and off most of the day

The room went silent..

If looks could kill....

somewhere a piece of silverware dropped...

Fortunately, a woman at the end of the bar said

"And what about those frost heaves!!!"

And conversation started up again...

phew, that was a close one...

If anyone is looking for any more snow in their backyard..please stop can have all you want....
My name is Sabrina and I want more snow...

Too funny, Silverfox!

Silverfox said:

I walk into the Corner House Inn in Sandwich for dinner and a beverage and announce to the crowded and lively room

"Hey's snowing out!" which it was..on and off most of the day

The room went silent..

If looks could kill....

somewhere a piece of silverware dropped...

Fortunately, a woman at the end of the bar said

"And what about those frost heaves!!!"

And conversation started up again...

phew, that was a close one...

If anyone is looking for any more snow in their backyard..please stop can have all you want....
It's been at least a week since I had to climb the banks at the end of our driveway and shovel out the notches so we can see traffic! A rhododrendron leave appeared yesterday, as well as the tip of a snowshovel that went missing a month ago, so the snow is melting!!!!

happy spring!!!! :D