Gathering 7.0 plans and update.

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I do NOT have that friday off (normally I get every other friday and I just counted) so perhaps I will come up, possible with Snowshoe (Shawn) and any other NJ VFTT'er that wants to carpool friday night, or perhaps late afternoon if I can get 1/2 day but it might be hard that time since I know I will be busy with work. We'll see.

I'll email the NJ contingency to see if we can carpool...

organization? You are too kind. We are a loosely amalgamated body of earthly mass communing in a point of space. (in September, in the catskills).

Jay H said:
organization? You are too kind. We are a loosely amalgamated body of earthly mass communing in a point of space. (in September, in the catskills).

Hi Jay, Sounds like you're describing my brain this August or NYC in general - just add STRESS and stir!

All right, I am officially RSVP'ing....... wouldn't miss it for the world. I will be driving down from somewhere in Maine depending on whims and the weather. So far I have a hike with Mohammed loosely planned for Vly and Bearpen including 1 or 2 subsidiary peaks. I expect to arrive Friday night, maybe earlier if the weather in Maine is miserable, might stay longer in the Catskills after Sunday if the weathers good......... anyone up for some bushwacks?

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again and meeting more VFTT'ers. If any of you care to sing any songs around the camp fire I'll be bringing my guitar and some songbooks....... would also be interested in some new jokes, stories, mischief, mayhem, etc.

PS. I hope you have some Devils horns left, Jay, we could use them for that night hike up Overlook!:D
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Definitely Fred the Funky, I will be wearing mine all weekend... Taking Showers, sleeping. I also still have a bunch of glow sticks from our July 4th shindig.

I also have an article about Fort Kent and how it's haunted. You should stop by there some midnight. Unfortunately, you missed the full moon opportunity Monday night but if you go around Halloween, Laura tells me the local high school(?) actually sets up the place as a haunted house.

Anyway, I have an article from the Bangor news for you the next time I see ya...

BTW, I thought you were going with Papa Bear to do the 100Mile Wilderness or did I read Papa Bear's post wrong?

Teejay, can you re-post that fact sheet you made up way back when you first organized this? We'll be arriving on Friday but may have accomodations with friends if the campground becomes overcrowded.
VFTT Gathering

Since I don't often log onto VFTT (too much going on) I'd missed hearing about the Gathering, but learned of it this past weekend from HarryK. Since Woodland Valley is a hop, skip and jump down the road, I'd certainly like to participate. Whether I'll camp or not, I dunno -- with a cozy bed a short drive a way that's a hard call!

I'm still investigating what's been planned so far, but as the Outings Chair for the Catskill 3500 Club I'd be delighted to pull a few hikes together, led either by myself or anyone else I can press into service. Should I just list a few suggestions or is there someone co-ordinating this aspect?


Friday midday

What's there for biking in the area? It's looking like I'm going to arrive around lunchtime on Friday, too late to get a hike in but too early to sit around. I thought I'd throw the bike in the car and take a ride after setting up camp. Is there any reasonably-flat single track or an old railroad grade or even a designated bike path around there?

The new management plan restricts biking, but I do not know if it's yet in place. Under the old rules you could bike anywhere. Though, practically unless you were way skilled biking was limited.

You could give the DEC a call, just ask if the new plan is in effect. You should be safe, even under the new plan in wild forest areas. There's no single track only hiking trails (some are old carriage roads) and can be *rocky*.

Diamond Notch, the fire road up the west side of Hunter, Overlook Mnt, Hallcott Mnt, Vly Mnt, Bearpen Mnt, and many of the trails that cross the notches should be doable. I think all the above areas are legal even under the new plan.
I've seen a mountain biker at the intersection of the path to Giant Ledge from the switchback parking lot on Slide Mountain Road. The person continued down towards Woodland Valley after I left to do Panther. I presume he had to carry his bike up the many stairs you'd hit going to Woodland Valley unless he took the illegal shortcut to Woodland valley down the stream.

When I went up to do the Devil's Path, I did the entire Catskill Scenic Trail but that is a railtrail and not mountain biking.

Spruceton road by Hunter would be a good carriage road, it's a nice skiable road in winter...

I'm looking for *flat* biking. I'm not a mountain biker. I have wide tires and a partial suspension, but my idea of off-road is old roads and railroad grades. If there are any, and they're legal, that's great. If not, I'll bring a book and get a head-start on hydrating.
Biking is legal on ALL trails in the Catskill Park (until Niel Woodward gets his way), but there are no flat trails in that area. The raod up to Ashokan high peak has a great bike trail (see you maps), or the road that the campground is on will make for a nice blacktop ride into town. I'm not a biker (these days) but there are plenty of riding opportunities around. I don't think you would regret throwing the bike on the rack. Just my opinion.
Happy hiking (or biking),
Road bike routes

I strongly recommend the E bank of the Ashokan reservoir. There is an approximately three mile section with spectacular views that is closed to traffic (except for the middle portion). One can then continue on Rt. 28A, with still more views, or explore Beaverkill Rd. or numerous other local roads. If you follow 28 A, you can connect with Rt. 28 at various points and ride (with care, please -- this road has taken a disproportionate number of lives, though usually those of motorists) back to the campground. Though the res. section is flat, there are some stiff hills -- riding up Beaverkill Rd. will probably make you pant. At least, it does me. A fairly tough ascent is to take 28A from Boiceville, take the rt. turn after the bridge over the Beaverkill, and ride up through the Peekamoose notch all the way into Sundown, past the Ashokan High Point and Peekamoose trailheads--very picturesque indeed. For a truly evil hill ride, drive into Woodstock and ride up Meads Mountain Road -- I've never done this, have no intention of doing this, but see people considerably fitter than me doing it fairly regularly, albeit slowly and usually grimacing as they go. I ride a touring bike (RB-T).

I am making it official that I am planning to attend Gathering 7.0. I will be coming up Thursday afternoon 9/16 and leaving Sunday aftrrnoon 9/19. I hope to camp at the private CG near Phoenicia. I can be counted in for the dinner Friday evening and breakfast Sunday AM. I will let weather and group decisions dictate my hiking plans and will be up for a couple of 12 mile hikes (maximum) on Friday & Saturday. Willing to lead a short 5 mile Kaaterskill Falls Circular on Sunday if there is any interest. See you all!
I will attempt a noonish Friday arrival. Thinking about Black Dome or Black Dome - Blackheart - Thomas Cole w/possible car spotting Friday prior to restaurant chowdown. (Black Dome 2kP w/PapaBear?)
Look forward to meeting more of you!
>>Is there any reasonably-flat single track or an old railroad grade or even a designated bike path around there?<<
>>I'm looking for *flat* biking. I'm not a mountain biker. I have wide tires and a partial suspension, but my idea of off-road is old roads and railroad grade . If there are any, and they're legal, that's great.<<

all the catskill experts on this board and no one can come up with
what he wants????

look no further - the catskill scenic trail is what you are looking for - it is an old railroad grade (formerly the ulster and delaware railroad) - you can access it in two directions from grand gorge:
on route 30 just south of grand gorge just past a large building (i believe it is a tire store?) a very nice ride parallels the headwaters of the delaware river from grand gorge to roxbury (6 miles each way) just watch for the parking areas on the east side of route 30 - when i was there 3 weeks ago they were still working on the southern portion, but it should be pretty well finished by now - the other starts just west of grand gorge (behind a deleware and ulster rail ride sign) but can be accessed better at the cross roads - it is just north of route 23 (parallels route 23 till stamford crossing any road that goes north) - this section is 20 miles long and ends at bloomville (just north of delhi) - - - i see you are from mass. - take the mass tpke, to n.y. - follow the berkshire spur of the nys thruway till you reach I-87 - take I-87 south to exit 21 (catskill exit) - take route 23 west to grand gorge - (23 intersects previously mentioned route 30 at grand gorge) - when you are done with your ride(s) it is about 1/2 hour to woodland valley - - from grand gorge to the "happening" you will go back the way you came on route 23 east until you reach 23A (just past prattsville - follow 23A (east) to lexington where you will find 42 - follow 42 (south) to shandaken where you will find 28 - from shandaken take route 28 east (left turn) till you see the sign for woodland valley campsite & woodland valley road on your right - the gathering is along woodland valley road.....

if you want a brochure with a map of the catskill scenic trail, they usually have a bunch in a small box on the wall at the old railroad depot in downtown stamford - you can also download a map of the trail here
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Hey, I mentioned the Catskill Scenic Trail, which I've done the entire length back in May, before I ran the Devil's Path Dayhike... But hey, who listens to us Devils? :)

It's a nice ride, parts of it is shaded but parts near the end can be open field so if it's sunny, bring the sunscreen. I parked on a sidestreet near the eastern most part of the trail. I forget the road name but it's not an official parking lot but allows you access from the eastern part of the trail rather than the middle part. Ralph Ryndak told me the directions but I'll have to dig them out of my email if you want them or you can ask him directly.

The trail is actually, if I remember slightly graded downhill as you go towards the western terminus but it's so slight you'd hardly notice it. There are two old train depots you go by which are cool too...

Jay -
I have no idea how I could have responded "No, I'm looking for an old railroad grade" to your "it's a rail trail" post. D'oh! We posted over an hour apart so it wasn't like we crossed wires. So yes, you get first credit for mentioning it! :D

Erd -
Sounds like a really nice route, and if I have extra time I will definitely check out the reservoir route you described. I do want to see plenty, and the camera fits nicely in the panniers. It will only depend on those hills - it's a Gary Fisher Presidio, and the tires I have on it aren't the greatest for getting moving on the road.

Thanks to you both!