Gathering 7.0 plans and update.

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i should be able to make it friday about 5pm - i can lead any hike to anyplace on saturday, i was thinking of sw hunter from diamond notch & hunter (a 10 mile hike with a canister and a firetower, also hunter is 4040'), but i am flexible on what i lead.
I've never been in the Catskills, but I have that weekend off, and I'm coming! I can sleep in my truck if campsites are tight.
I regret that I will have to officially bail out of Gathering 7.0 as I will be attending to Best Man duties that weekend.

I'll see you all at either the ADK bbq or at the 7.5 winter Gathering!!!

Don't forget to count me in . . . I will get the money to you when I arrive. I expect to be there Thursday evening to Sunday evening. See ya'll there . . .


P.S. I'll bring my pictures just in case we have a projector and a computer.
Page one, post one

The dates for Gathering 7.0 are September 16-19 (Thursday-Sunday), 2004.

I talked with the campground yesterday. Robin told me that there will not be a problem with people checking in late. They will stay up. But if anyone arrives after they have turned in, it should be okay to leave your plate number, the number of people and number of nights you're staying, and you can settle up in the morning. They charge by the person, $5.00/night but don't take plastic.

As of now I'm pretty sure I will arrive Friday night and go out on the day trip Sat. because I teach on sunday mornings. I did Slide last weekend and gave up on the other two because it was to late and it was new for me. I'm pretty sure i'm up to it now.thx.. will keep advising..
I'm planning on being there Thursday first official gathering...looking forward to meeting new VFTTers and seeing old friends...
Change of plans again - I will be able to make it to the Catskill Gathering!!! My best man duties have been rescheduled to 9/12.

I hope I can take another day off from work and come up on Thursday, but I don't know for sure yet. I'll have to reread the whole thread to relearn the logistics.
Dinner plans and accomodations

I've been in touch with Patti Muller of the Inn at Woodland Valley about our Friday night dinner gathering there. Later this week she will get back to me with a menu and when I know that, I will try to get a rough head count and dinner choices from you all to prepare them for the onslaught.

Patti also mentioned that they have some limited accomodations available and I said I would post it here. They have two cottages on Rt. 28 about 1/2 mile from the inn. Each is comfortable for four. There is also an apartment above the inn itself which will sleep six. The number for the Inn is 845 688-5711 if anyone is interested in those accomodations as an alternative to staying at the campground.

I have also spoken with Sweet Sue's in Phoenicia. They will be more than happy to have us for breakfast on Sunday. I'll try to get an approximate head count for this also, so I can go ahead and make a reservation.

Only 17 days to go.


to mention that my latest count for Gathering 7.0 is some where around 50. It's not that important to know any exact numbers before hand. We will not be taking attendance (though it would be nice to have some kind of sign in so we know who is there). Also, it's fine to just show up even if you haven't "registered" ahead of time.

Is there a contingent coming from Maine to the gathering? I know of LauraM and I. Just thinking if it is feasible to car pool or not. I am planning on Friday early evening as the arrival time.
OK......I am back! (in case people didn't notice that I was gone, I have been on travel for work for just about the entire summer).

I plan on being there fri - sun, and plan on going to dinner on Fri nite and breakfast on sunday AM. I also plan on bringing my new girlfriend so all of you better be on your best behavior! HA!!!

She will just have goten back from 5 weeks in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador and should have some good photos. Is anyone bringing a computer / projector? Sli - I'd like to see your photos too, so hopefully someone will come up with the techno goodies.

And just a reminder, while this is Gathering 7.0, this will actually mark the 10 year anniversary of VFTT!!!!! So let's git it on!


- darren