Gathering 7.0 plans and update.

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Hey MichaelJ, I found the email I got from Ralph, I parked here in Grand Gorge which is the eastern terminus of the trail and allows you more biking time than driving.

There is parking near Grand Gorge about 1 mile up the road from the BOCES building turn off. It is on the right side near a road called Bruce Phorne road or something like that.Up that road about 50 yds. is the trail.

You should be able to see the BOCES buildng on the left, (

Which is on Jump Brook Road.. You can mapquest that too. Anyway, after you pass the BOCES building, keep a sharp eye on Bruce Porn (I think it's actually Porn and not Phorne as Ralph writes, but I'm not sure). Anyway, how many Bruce P. roads can there be? :) )

Once you make a right onto Bruce Porn Rd, you'll cross signs indicating the crossing of the CST and the road. It's only about 50ft from the intersection. After crossing the CST, the road will fork, stay left and about 1000ft or so, there will be enough of a shoulder on the right hand side just as you are going up a slight hill to park off the road. I parked there and simply biked the 1/4 mile back to the trail. The trail only goes about 1.5 or so miles east til it ends back on Rt 23.

TeeJay I will not be arriving until after 10 on Thursday night. Do I just pull in and claim a camp site and register in the morning? Are there certain sites assigned to our group? Do you need me to send money in advance or just ante up over the weekend?
>>I found the email I got from Ralph, I parked here in Grand Gorge which is the eastern terminus of the trail<<

grand gorge is not the eastern terminus - it is roxbury, about 6 miles south on route 30 - they were about 1/2 way finished with the grading on that section when i was there almost 4 weeks ago - should probably be to roxbury by now - - this section is really the nicest part of the trail since it runs next to the headwaters of the deleware river for quite aways south of grand gorge.
EDIT: the latest predictions from NOAA show Ivan has slowed down and its remains will at most be in West Virginia by Sunday, so it sounds like it will not be an issue for us at all.
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Bring it on!

I still have no real hiking plans.. Maybe I'll bring my bike and/or my Kayak... Too bad we can't kayak on the Ashokan Reservoir, that would make a nice kayak in the fall.

Anybody know of any nice sized lakes in the area? As far as I know, it's WW on the Esopus or some flatwater on the Wallkill in the Gunks or the Hudson.

Please bring a "Maudite" and "La Fin Du Monde" so we can sacrifice them to the Hiking Gods to assure good weather (arm's suggestion).

Or we could just drink them. (But Brador is a LOT better for my taste)

teejay: fantastic news! See you Thursday, rain or shine (but deluge will keep me away)
EDIT: the latest predictions from NOAA show Ivan has slowed down and its remains will at most be in West Virginia by Sunday, so it sounds like it will not be an issue for us at all.

Does anybody else find this kind of funny, post-gathering.... :D

It's good though at least all of you from far away got some semi-dry hikes in on Friday and some of us local folks got in a real nice hike on Sunday.

And oh, did driving 4 hours in it across the entire length of Massachusetts *suck* on Saturday morning. I was so grateful to finally have it let up on the Taconic.