Gatheriong 7.0 (Catskills) - just hiking requests and plans

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Damn the weather - I'm coming, and should arrive tonight (Thursday) around 8:00 or earlier.

Here is a note from Donna. Methinks Freud was at work:
Bad news. I can't go to the gathering. A work saturation just occurred, I've got to be on a call Friday
BTW, I've a feeling that we will all be watching the Sox/Y@nk**s game tomorrow night!

Blue: I'm doing Hunter on Saturday, as are many others.
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All my bags are packed, I am ready to go - Im leaving on a ....

OK: Since Friday sounds crummiest, I am leaning towards doing Panther tomorrow. At least there is a shelter to get out of the rain below Giants Ledge. Saturday: Slide-Cornell-Wittenberg (we can duck out of the rain in the cave shelter just below the summit of Wittenberg!!!) & Sunday (at this time-the sun may shine): We can knock off Hunter and the view from the fire tower after breaking camp and having breakfast) and then homeward bound.

I have a 120 gallon monster ice cooler. Bringing it.

See ya.
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Sox/Y@nk**s game tomorrow

I think I'd rather just sleep.... :)

I'll be coming after work and I'm not much a baseball fan anyway.

I think funkyfreddie and I might be doing a bushwack to Friday Mt and the slide on Saturday and/or plane wreck hunt or perhaps on Sunday if we don't go to the big breakfast thing.

Alternative plan is to do the Friday Mtn hike on sunday and then Bearpen/Vly on saturday. I've hiked those two but on a real Crappy day this past April.

I've done Bearpen/Vly but not Friday and the supposed plane wreck would be fun.

If it's wet, I'd expect to get drenched though and the slide might be a bad idea, but we'll see.

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I'm sorry to say, it looks like I'm going to miss this weekend. Too much stuff piled up while I was in Maine. Besides I'm hiked out.

next trime.

All packed and aaaaaaalmost ready to go. ETA is 11pm tonight. Nat and I are looking forward to our 2nd Gathering.

Never mind the weather forecast. It's all liquid sunshine to me.
My plans stand - I'll be there between 10am and noon on Saturday. Save me some tentsite space to set up my small (not the Taj Michael) tent and I'll grace the site with my 23'x15' tarp for your comfort and mine. This offer has the same conditions as HarryK's. :cool:

If it's dry enough, I'll head off and bike the Catskill Scenic Trail. If it's wet, I'll pop a beer.

I'm baking a couple of apple pies on Friday night.

EDIT: with several inches of rain forecast, the stone-and-cinder surface of the bike path will likely be soft. I'm leaving the bike home rather than soak it while driving (and have to re-lube the chain). I'll just hang out for the afternoon. If anyone's around we can play frisbee or cribbage. :D
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