Gatheriong 7.0 (Catskills) - just hiking requests and plans

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I am de-lurking to say that I'd like to come to the gathering too. I don't say much here, and haven't been able to attend any previous gatherings, but it sounds like a lot of fun and I'd love to meet you all and do some hiking. Put me down as a maybe -- I'm going to try to keep it free, but one never knows.

I'd also be arriving on Thursday night and would be in for the Cornell-Wittenburg-Slide hike on Friday. For Saturday, how bout maybe some exploring of Platte Clove, as mentioned on the Q & A forum? That sounds cool! I've been by there, it looks amazing, I never knew you could actually walk (scramble) through it. Everything I've read says "danger! stay out!" so that would be really cool, if anyone else is interested. But I'll be happy to go with the flow, that's the point of going to a gathering instead of just the standard solo hike! I work on Sundays, so it's Thurs-Fri-Sat for me.

There are two threads going on Gathering 7.0 ... one is for making or joining in on hiking plans, the other is for letting us all know, especially Teejay, we're coming. Check the heading for which one would serve your intended purpose best.
>>I definitely want to do Hunter<<

why not combine it with sw hunter also for a taste of a catskill bushwack.

i was thinking of leading anyone that wanted to go with me saturday up sw hunter from diamond notch, a catskill bushwack to a canister (without herdpath to follow) and then on to hunter (the second highest at 4040'). let me know if any are interested as the gathering gets nearer.
Hudson River Valley Ramble

I am not sure if I will make it for the whole weekend, but I will try to make it at least for Friday. I would really like to meet some of the good people from this site. I am working on my Catskill 3500, but I view this as more of a social event. I would be glad to go on the Wittenbugh-Cornell-Slide again.

Some of the peaks in the area that I need are: Fir, Lone, Rocky, Friday, Table, Balsam Cap, Balsam, Halcott, Panther, Peekamoose, and Table.

The Hudson River Ramble is also this weekend and the following. There are several other hikes planned in the area for those weekends by various hiking clubs. Maybe some people would be intersted in one of these trips for Sunday?
See their website:
Ok-- slight change in hiking plans. Who's up for a killer hikethrough?

The plan now stands for Friday or saturday.. Start at the Whittenburg Trail. Climb Whittenburg to cornell to Slide. From Slide find our way over to Friday-Balsam Cap-Rocky-Lone-Peekamoose. We will have a second car on the Peekamoose side; that is if anyone wants to join us and supply a second car.

Any help on the exit point from Peekamoose would be helpfull as well as anything we might encounter. Is this doable in a day, I think it is from all the things I've read in the Posts, and trail conditions.

Is there a herd path from the Slide side to Friday or will this be a true bushwhack with no herd path? Are there herd paths between the peaks? If not, are the woods semi-open enough to make decent time?
WOW! That's a really long day. Too long for me. But I'll still plan on leaving my Montero at the Slide trailhead on Rt 47 and call it a day. And I can fit 4 or 5 others, for anyone else who had enough at that point. Gotta hand it to ya tho Spence, that is one helluva hike! Later on, I could drive down to the Peekamoose trailhead on Rt 42 and pick some of you up if there are many people doing this.
I think your plan is doable. A long day but doable. I have done all of what you plan but not in one trip. You will make good time on the trail over Witt/Corn/ Slide. You might want to go back towards cornell to whack to Friday. I did it the opposite way and just took a straight line towards the col. I found the thickest stuff around the Friday summit. The rest wasn't too bad. There are some herd paths but not solid trail-like paths found on some of the 46. Make sure you go past the actual summit on Table as there is a nice view just past the summit. Also some nice views just off the summit of Lone with a pretty solid path from the cannister to the ledge. Others will probably have more info but this is what I remember from hikes in that area.

Oops! Just noticed you didn't include Table. If you have the energy at that point you might just add one more. The path from Lone meets the trail between Table and Peek. The climb to Table isn't too bad and I know if you haven't climbed it before you won't be able to resist!
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To make Friday from Slide you would have to descend into the Neversink, the only herd path I'm aware of is the one from the head of the Neversink to the Slide-Cornell col. If I was to do this walk that's what I think would be easiest. That said I've climbed Slide from Deer Shanty Brook side to about 3500 feet. The woods were open. There should be some sort of herd paths from Friday going through to Table of on again off again quality.

Achieving Friday from Wittenberg or Cornell is said to be gnarly as is the Rocky-Lone col.

Ralph is the one to ask on this.

I may be interested in this walk though I was planning a more leisurely hike of Friday with Ralph.

Anyway, I like the way you think.
So with Table that I forgot, would make for 9 of the 3500? Cool. I figure this hike will do me in for the weekend, so make it a good one.

Warren-- it would be great if you could join us, it usually takes two people to carry me out.:D

As for the taxi ride from the Peekamoose side. I'm all for that. But to guess our time out would be a miracle. Actually I think my wife is coming along to the Catskills with us. She would never attempt this, or wish it upon anyone. She maybe the one meeting us on the other side.

Would it be better to start from Peekamoose? Just an after thought.
i would start with friday from moon haw road and work my way over to the trails - it should take about 6 miles (and 6-7) hours to get to table & trail, then peekamoose - in about 6 miles (another 3 hours) you should be at slide, then in another 5 miles (about 2.5 hours) you would be done (i usually bushwack across the loop near the terrace mountain lean to trail to save about .6 miles on the trail from wittenberg to the parking area. - - - i have never tried to do that many in a day (my most was 5) because hiking is supposed to be fun, if i am going to work someone better pay me! whats wrong with you guys???????
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Gathering 7.0 hiking plan

This is my hiking plan for the Gathering, etched in mud as you will see.

Returning from Wonalancet on March 14, I had occasion to meet Officer Lynn of the VSP. He handled the situation in a very professional manner and, after he wrote (he should have been a doctor) me a very professional ticket, explained that if I wanted to appear in court, that I would receive in a few months an appearance date for about 6 months hence. I remember thinking, 6 months from March is September, Gathering 7.0, naaaah, couldn't happen. Yesterday I received the long-awaited court date. YOU MUST APPEAR---September 17, 2:00 PM. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

So, if the court grants me a postponement, these are my plans. I would like to do the Burroughs Range on Friday, Wittenberg, Cornell, Slide in that order. I had originally thought of completing a loop back to the Woodland Valley trailhead but am now more inclined to spotting a car or cars at the Slide Mountain trailhead, avoiding what could have become a death march. I know a number of posters have mentioned doing these peaks on either Friday or Saturday. Perhaps we can organize a car spot or even a key switch with another group doing the range in reverse to keep group sizes smaller. My plan is to do this hike on Friday and to leave Saturday open for something like shorter hikes in the North Lake area or maybe a tower peak. I prefer an earlier start, 7:30 - 8:00 and would expect to finish at 3:30 or so with plenty of time to enjoy the hike (and a shower at Woodland Valley). Weather will not be a factor for me, save lightning or a whiteout. So, if I'm not sitting in a Rutland courtroom, that's my plan. Etched in mud.

A couple of Gathering notes. Woodland Valley Rd. to the campground is posted 30 MPH Speed Limit. It is a typical mountain road, narrow and twisty. 1. You can't go very fast on it. 2. 30 MPH is not a suggestion. I have an idea "they'll" be watching.

I expect to hear from Patti Muller of the Inn at Woodland Valley about dinner plans for Friday night. When menu selections and cost are known, I'll post an update.

315 689-1883

Teejay -
I am interested in doing Wittenberg-Cornell and Slide on Friday, but not only those. Not the death march that Peakbagger proposes. I am coiming up on Thursday with Audrey, Pat, Marge.:)
Hunter with Audrey

Hey, Audrey!

I will join you for Hunter. How about doing it on Saturday, when more people could join you. I didn't realize that you had done all the other Cathskill Peaks. I have done five of them on a weekend trip in November 94', but haven't been back there since. It was quite a weekend; the Heartbreak Hotel burned down when we were there, and we couldn't get enough water for our water bottles, or even for a shower, since the water pressure was down in the town from the fire!:rolleyes:
I am interested in Slide, Wittenburg and Cornell. If my obsessive-masochist behavior kicks in I would possibly consider Spence's trip but I doubt it. I've done too many 18+ mile day hikes lately. Since I am working on my Fire towers Hunter and Balsam Lake are also in my radar. Is anyone interested in the Balsam Lake Mt Loop with My Graham added in?
We're interested in Hunter and Slide under the leave no stragglers philosphy in the event we pursue the NE 115. More interested in joining a small (8-10 max) medium paced group than a brigade of hikers.

A note for anyone planning Overlook. Some friends hiked that a few weeks ago and one of 'em, as he climbed a rock, almost kissed a rattler that was sunning itself there.
Hunter and Slide

Hi Stan!
I have done Hunter, but not Slide, so would be up for doing those two. Audrey will be finishing her Catkskill peaks on Hunter.
Are we still planning a night hike to Overlook firetower one of the nights??

I don't have any real hiking plans, I'm open to see what comes up, but the night hike to Overlook looks real sweat if it's a clear night... finger's crossed...

Ok-- I won't be able to make it until Friday midmorning. So unfortunatly the suicide hike is out. But I do plan on getting a later start fro Cornell/Whittenburg/Slide on Friday. Then possibly a couple more peaks for saturday. I should get there around 10am on Friday. Please don't feel the need to wait for us for the trip friday--we'll see you on the trail.