Gatheriong 7.0 (Catskills) - just hiking requests and plans

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Do we even need to shuttle a car. Aren't we camped at the Whittenburg trailhead? A little unfamiliar with that side, I am.
From talking to Teejay at my Devil's Path thing, I believe you guys are camping on Woodland Valley Road which is right off Rt 28 near Phoenicia but not at the NY DEC "Woodland Valley" campsite but at a private one closer to Rt 28. I'm not sure how far it is from the DEC WV where the trail to the John Burroughs range starts but I can't imagine it being terribly far.

For those of you with bikes, the catskills is a great place for bike-hikes, you can do alot of circular dayhikes by leaving a bike at the trailhead and then going to the putin or so. My friend and I did the western section of the devil's path like this. Once from Diamond Notch back to Devil's Tombstomb and once from Pecoy Notch to the DT. Makes for a real fun day.

I would bring a bike and just bike from the campsite down to WV and just lock it up there somewhere and then you can bike back to the camp after you do the whole loop. It would be faster than walking....

Gathering 7.0 campground

The campground for the Gathering is Hide-A-Way. It is on Woodland Valley Rd. about 2 miles before reaching the W-S-C trialhead at the state campground, Woodland Valley. Those that want to drive from H-A-W to park at the trailhead will have to pay the campground day fee to park there legally. I think it is per car but I don't know how much it is. $4-$6 is my guess.

I think the best way to do the hike most of the participants will be inclined to traverse (S-C-W) is to do a short 2 mile car shuttle on West Branch-Slide Mountain Road (County 47) by going west on NY 28 to Big Indian and then south. Park cars at the end at the hairpin and then continue to the start at the Phoenicia-East Branch Trailhead. Then gp counter-clockwise over Slide via Curtis-Ormsbee Trail, then Cornell & lastly Wittenberg. To save considerable time and parking expense we go back over ridge from Woodland Valley to the hairpin. Those that have the energy can then alos take side trip to Giants Ledge. Also, those that would be satisfied with Slide can go up and back down the shorter WS Trail for the return.

Now if someone from that (Slide Mtn Only) group has a large vehicle and wants to drive the 2 miles from the CG to pick up the hikers at Woodland Valley, that would save the last 3.4 miles of dull, tiring hiking. That would be great. So the options are:
(1) Park at Woodland Valley.
Advantages: No car shuttle. Only 2 miles from CG.
Disadvantage: 2 mile road walk on Slide Mountain Road. $6 parking fee. 3.4 miles boring trail walk with a 1400 foot climb. To make that stretch interesting add another 1.5 miles to include Giants Ledge. Total: 18 miles

(2) Car shuttle on Slide Mountain Road.
Advantage: 2 mile road walk eliminated. Approx. 30 minute car trip and short car shuttle. No parking fees.
Disadvantage: Still have the 3.4 mile schlep with 1400 foot climb. Can still add 1.5 side trip to Giants Ledge.

(3) Park at Woodland Valley & Slide mountain Trailhead.
Advantage: Just 10.8 mile hike ascending all three Slide-Cornell-Wittenberg. Can eliminate car shuttle if a Slide Mtn only hiker offers to pick up weary Burroughs Range traversers at Woodland Valley (probably avoiding parking fee).
Disadvantage: $6 parking fee - 45 minute car shuttle (approx.).

Now this is to do the normal S-C-W traverse. Throw in the bushwack options (Moonhaw Road entry)and you even got me for a curve. I don't know how many splintered groups we are going to have. And the bicycle idea is nice to get from Woodland Valley to the CG after the hike but we still have to retrieve the cars from Slide Mountain Road so I don't know how this fits in the scheme of things.
Just to add to the confusion:
as I was driving up Rt. 28 Friday night, I saw a handful of kyakers in the creek at Phoenicia. The looked liked they were having a pretty good time. Depnding on the weather conditions (Spetmeber can be like April here in the Catskills, VERY unpredictable), youse guyz might want to consider bringing your boats and showing us land based species what the excitement is all about.
For my own part, I will hike about anywhere the group(s) go. Been on most of 'em, can try new ones. I don't much care either way. I'm coming for the ususual opportunity of enjoying some superb company. The setting is immaterial.
Happy Hiking, or paddling,
Was this the Esopus, which I believe you cross before you get to Phoenicia...

I know there are signs on Rt28West that you see that advertise Tubing on the Esopus, so I gather some folks would kayak it too.

Were they whitewater boats or touring (the longer ones)?

Heck, we could kayak there on the Delaware but we would have to paddle really hard to go upriver... :)

Kayaks in Woodland valley Creek

Jay H they were short whitewater kayaks, in a race.
I crossed over the bridge driving around and saw all the gates over the river a total of 12 gates for about .25-.5 miles of river. there was about 12-18 racers and families of support.
Bad weather but they were wet anyway so didn't seem to mind. My kids and I watched for about a 1/2 hour.
I don't think there will be as much water in September but who knows.
Paddlers may in luck

The whitewater races are scheduled the first full weekend in June each year to coincide with a release of water from the Schoharie Reservoir through the Shandaken Tunnel into the Esopus. I got the following schedule of possible future Esopus releases from the Northeast Paddler's website. It shows a release scheduled for the weekend of the Gathering.

Esopus River (NY) 2004
Possible Releases ??
- June 5, 6
- July 17, 18
- September 19, 20
- October 2, 3
The September dates might be a typo (perhaps 18, 19) as the releases are normally on a Saturday-Sunday schedule.

The September and October releases are often very limited so it would probably be worth checking the prior website or with the NYC DEP just before the Gathering.
Were they whitewater boats or touring (the longer ones)?

Jay, when it comes to boats, if they don't have at least two forward engines or 1500 square feet of sail I don't pay attention.
They looked short, and I think the subsequent info Mark posted is the most useful (as usual). It was Friday Night, about 6:30pm when I saw them, but I was hurrying north as usual, so I didn't stop.
All I know is they looked like they were having fun, and I thought of you guys. Better bring a helmet though, and I'll bring a camera.
Happy water hiking,
When I've driven over the Esopus, it looks more like a WW park, especially with Mark's excellent info on the water releaese. They do that a bit on the Lehigh in Jim Thorpe, PA I believe. I've only mountain biked around Jim Thorpe and I'm not a WW kayaker anyway.

If I was to do that in my 14' 'glass touring boat, I would need to be put away in a foam-padded white room. :)

Although I've seen some warren miller films of folks going down snowy mountains in WW kayaks... for some strange reason, that looks more fun than WW kayaking in rivers to me.

night hike up Overlook

I just read through all the posts on the gathering. I am a 3500club member and lead hikes for them. I also happen to be a volunteer on Overlook and could open the firetower for a night hike...if you promised to behave :) Actually, I am leading a "moonlight" hike on July 1st up Overlook in case any locals are interested. We will hike up after work (haven't set a time yet), hang out until the full moon rises at 8:30, and then hike down by the moonlight.

Since some of you mentioned Blackhead, I would really recommend doing Black Dome and Thomas Cole too. It's a nice traverse.
That would be great of you to open up Overlook firetower on a night hike for us at the gathering. If it's a nice clear night the views will be awesome. I would be interested in your July hike but it looks like I'll be going to Maine that weekend. I hope to meet you at the gathering. Please keep in touch. Thanks, Fred
I want to hike Hunter & Slide (of course). I just cancelled out of a wedding photography job so I could make this gathering. I'll be there!
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Whew ... long thread!

My husband and I are arriving Friday evening and are up for anything on the weekend. We've done a bit of hiking in the Catskills, so don't have any specific hikes we really want to do.

I suppose people want to do Slide because it's a "list" hike, but I would prefer to either hike Wittenburg-Cornell-Slide or just Wittenburg. We've done the W-C-S hike three times -- once with a shuttle and twice without (and once with Giant Ledge thrown in for good measure). I prefer the non-shuttle, but if everybody is doing the shuttle, I'm fine with that too (I just find the shuttle a pain to set up).

I don't really care if I hike Hunter or not ... I've done it before and the firetower is cool, but when we did it, it was really crowded on the summit as a lot of people ride the ski lift up.

Anything on the Devil's Path is cool, as well as Blackhead, Thomas Cole, etc.

We're both very interested in a moonlight hike and anything more "exploratory".

How many people are expected to come? Are there going to be multiple groups hiking on Saturday/Sunday so there will be a few options?

Thanks again for organizing! We're looking forward to it!!
pudgy_groundhog said:
How many people are expected to come? Are there going to be multiple groups hiking on Saturday/Sunday so there will be a few options?
These Gatherings are getting popular and there seems to be a lot of interest in the Catskills. Although TeeJay might have the best idea, I'm guessing that you could see 40-50 faces for the outing.

There are several different hikes on either day (and some before and after). There is another current thread discussing proposed plans (mostly other than hiking) on this forum. Your local knowledge is appreciated!!
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At last count

there were about 30 "definites" for G 7.0 with another 5 "maybes". That was as of May 5th. I haven't tried to update my list since then, but it's a reasonable guess that we will have well over 50 this year.

Re: At last count

teejay said:
there were about 30 "definites" for G 7.0 with another 5 "maybes". That was as of May 5th. I haven't tried to update my list since then, but it's a reasonable guess that we will have well over 50 this year.
HI, can you put me down for a maybe. I'd like to attend.

Anyone leaving from the Seacoast NH area that could give me a lift? My schedule is completely felxible.

I'd be very interested in exploring the slide on Friday and checking out the plane crash as well. Warren, I'm sure we'll talk before then, maybe I'll see ya in August for the Bonds hike.
Ditto. I would like to check out the slide and plane crash on Friday as well.