Help... bear canister too big

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Sep 15, 2003
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Syracuse, NY; Avatar: The Snake
HELP!!! I often drive to the Adks on a Friday night, hike in to a camping spot, and bivy overnight. Everything fits in a daypack. It's nice not having to lug around a full pack, especially when I plan on bushwhacking.

I stopped by an EMS this weekend... they only had the Bear Vault 300 (7-day capacity) and it was HUGE!!! :mad: I don't think it'd even fit in my daypack. If the BV250 (4-day capacity) is half-size, it is still way too big to fit in my daypack with the essentials for an overnight bivy. With the food I carry, 3/4 of the canister would be empty space.

I can only come up with two solutions to my dilemma... 1) pack other small items (clothes, bivy sack, etc) in the canister, and even then it'll be tricky to fit all items because the canister is rigid. Plus, packing clothes with food doesn't seem like a bright idea. 2) Strap the canister to the outside of the pack... however, there aren't any good ridges, etc. to hold the canister in place, so I'd have to design my own bag.

Any of you have other ideas?
I just bought the BV300 from REI which had it on sale recently. I didn't realize they had 2 versions as in my mad rush in buying stuff I didn't check the volume. But I just bought a cheap 42" pair of straps that I plan on somehow getting it to fit. The BV300 has little nibs that kind of stick out that I was thinking of just tightening the straps between them to prevent the canister from sliding out. Anyway, plan on trying it out somewhere this weekend.. Can let you know how it works out if ya want.

I too ordered the 300, needing the larger size because I do alot of camping with my son and friends. It should arrive today or tomorrow, and will let you know how it works. I'm also concerned about the attachment abilities.
Jay H said:
I just bought the BV300 from REI which had it on sale recently. I didn't realize they had 2 versions as in my mad rush in buying stuff I didn't check the volume. But I just bought a cheap 42" pair of straps that I plan on somehow getting it to fit. The BV300 has little nibs that kind of stick out that I was thinking of just tightening the straps between them to prevent the canister from sliding out.
There are some reviews of older models at Gear/Bear Resistant Containers/. One reviewer comments that the straps have to be snugged and straight. There were also some comments to the effect that it is easier to put the cannister in your pack and move the sleeping bag outside.

I also recall reading (don't remember where) that 1in wide straps work better than narrower straps.

too big

The large size of these canisters will be a problem for me, as well. Let's hope that the increase in demand for these will spawn new designs that are more suitable for day packs.

Also, it would be a good idea to remove any straps or case from the canister before stashing it in the woods for the day or overnight, so animals can't grab it and drag it away somewhere.
AlG said:
The large size of these canisters will be a problem for me, as well. Let's hope that the increase in demand for these will spawn new designs that are more suitable for day packs.

Also, it would be a good idea to remove any straps or case from the canister before stashing it in the woods for the day or overnight, so animals can't grab it and drag it away somewhere.

Unfortunately I don’t see that happening. If the canisters get any smaller in diameter, a bear will be able to get its jaws around it and be able to crush the canister. I think 8" is about the minimum dimension.
AlG said:
The large size of these canisters will be a problem for me, as well. Let's hope that the increase in demand for these will spawn new designs that are more suitable for day packs.

It looks like the 8.7" diameter is crucial. I have a feeling the increase in demand for the canisters will spawn new designs in packs, not smaller canisters.
I just put mine in my pack. (I have an older model of the BV300). Stuff whatever fits to fill it. I end up having to take my 5500 cu in pack when I use it, but it;s only a pound heavier than my 4000 cu in pack, so no real worries.

AlG: I agree that no way will it fit a day pack, but then again, who cares? I don't bring it on daytrips. I should probably worry though because at my pace, it does look like I'm standing still :eek:
The Garcia model will fit into my soon-to-be-retired Kelty external, but the BearVault will not, so I strap it on top. The puny strap bumps are a pain, but I've found that if I crank down hard enough on the straps, it will stay. We also put miscellaneous items inside the canister, if we have room. Alternative, if it has to be filled - bring more food! :D
Bear canisters aren't that much trouble, try getting their hair out of your pool filter;



LOS ANGELES — A 140-pound bear wandered into a suburban neighborhood and took a dip in a swimming pool before being tranquilized and returned to the wild.
I'll admit to being a layman (and therefore am BEING FACETIOUS), but I can't help thinking of this whole thing as a big goof, with some bears and rangers from the senior class laughing at us as we try to comply with the next requirement, and the next, and the next.

By the way, beginning in 2006, all trousers must have full-length third legs, just in case.

Get that bear a mai-tai.

--M. said:
And by the way, don't that bear look natural in a swimmin' pool?
Well, it is California, no doubt a Valley Bear. You know, it's like, ... cool.

I will also be looking for a larger day pack, or at least one with more girth. Day packs aren't just for day hikes. They serve very well for those ultra light, no frill bivouacs. Or should I say they used to.
I tested my bearikade. It fits snugly in the bottom of my pack sidewise. I have an older EMS 4300 Long Trail pack (similar to the Ascent). I sold off my garcia, which also fit snugly in my pack.

I am going to try and find a compression cap that fits my garcia for the purposes of strapping it to the outside. I dont see any reason to buy a bag for strapping it on.
I tried out my BV300 this weekend on a short solo jaunt in the catskills.. Failed miserably in the carrying department! Apparently, nylon webbing and a cheap buckle is no match for gravity as one of the ends of the BV300 would inevitably slide out and that would cause the other end to fail.

I put the BV300 on the bottom of my internal framed Gregory Reality (4000ci) and was able to use a biner to keep the swinging down, but it would fall out. So I wound up carrying it like a baby for the 8 mile backpack!

Anyway, my idea was to buy a 8x13 or so compression sack and put that around the ends and then simply lash the sack some kind of webbing around that...

Anybody have any better ideas? I can't find a case for it thinking I can use the case as a pillow in camp...

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Day or night?

rico said:
I stopped by an EMS this weekend... they only had the Bear Vault 300 (7-day capacity) and it was HUGE!!! :mad: I don't think it'd even fit in my daypack.
Now, I am confused. Why would we expect (or need) a bear vault to fit in a day pack? They are for overnight food storage, yes? I would no sooner need to put a sleep pad, sleeping bag, or 2-burner deluxe Coleman range into my DAYpack.