Monadnock VFTT hike

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KenC said:
Old halfwayhouse trail to cart Rd/ mossy brook, great pasture pasture to monta rosa, smith summit to summit. Decend Pumpelly to Cascade across cascade, up Spelman (gotta do spelman), back across pumpelly. Decend Red Spot to Smith Connecting to bald rock. Then a bunch of options of little side trails and out the cliff walk to parker. It's a great loop!
Loop??? Sound more like a route outlined with a Spirograph! :D :D

I'm still game if it's on Saturday. Someone pick a place and time.
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I am interested in Saturday, but not 100% sure of my schedule. Please keep on posting so I know if the trip goes or not. Thanks! Hanna
Since I started the thread, I might as well pick the time and route. How about meet in the Main Lot between 8-8:30 on 11/12 and hit the trail about 8:30.

I like the route Smitty mentioned earlier. Going up to Falcon Spring then Cascade to Pumpelly to the summit. Head down by going over Bald Rock and down Cliffwalk and Lost Farm. (or reversed?)

I am just hoping for some dry weather. Last year we had snow the night before and a few hikers couldn't make it do to the driving conditions.

I'm sooooo tempted, but I have to bake for Audrey & Pat's tomorrow. :cool:
Er ... um ... I knew that ... really, I did ... uh ... yeah ...
you can cook for me all day on 1/12 though, lobster tails would be best. personally delivered
Ok, I'm a definite for this one. I highly recommend meeting at the main lot to make it easier for everyone. Does everyone want to grab a bite and a beer someplace after?

I have not climbed this mountain before and am coming from central Vermont - Springfield - any suggestions on the quickest way to get there and what road is the main lot off of.....? Also, I heard that dogs are not allowed on Monadnock. Is this true? Thanks. A snack and beer after this hike would be great! Hanna
from vt - probably best to take 91S to 101 east around Keene (not sure if you have to take anything to get to this road) to 125
91s to 12s to 101e to 124s
takes you to the main lot at the halfway house road and a little farther is the state park entrance.
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I propose meeting at the State Park HQ lot. I don't mind paying the entrance fee as it helps keep the park in such nice shape.

Someone chose a time. I'm thinking 8 or 9 am. Earlier is better for me, but I also realize others have to travel further than I do.

I may also con, I mean persuade, a couple of friends to come along. I should also call Max. He might be game for a late season hike.

Thank you for the driving routes! I will just have to leave myself lots of time to get there after I explain to my two young goldens why they will not be joining me :eek:

I have a white Saturn with Vermont plates. See you hikers on Sat. at 8:30am at the State Park!
8:30 main lot, I will park close to the store in a green escort wagon w/ "vftt" sticker on it. $3 per person to park at the main lot, $1 if you are 12 and under.
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Abster said:
Thank you for the driving routes! I will just have to leave myself lots of time to get there after I explain to my two young goldens why they will not be joining me :eek:

I have a white Saturn with Vermont plates. See you hikers on Sat. at 8:30am at the State Park!
Same here. Saturday is my usual dayhike with the husky, and she's going to wonder why she's not going on this one. Looking at the weather forecast, the little one will be staying home as well.

I'll be driving a black Ford pickup with Mass plates.