Monadnock VFTT hike

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Smitty mentioned a route earlier that sounded good to me.

Hike up to Falcon Spring, take Cascade to Pumpelly to the summit. Go down over Baldrock (could be a few choices here) down cliffwalk< Lost Farm and Parker. I am game for this.

We can discuss after hike snack and beverage during the hike. O'Neils in Jaffery and Harlows in Peterbourgh come to mind for me.

So far we have going are percious, smitty77, Abster and myself. Anyone else?
sounds like fun! count me in too. 8:30 at the State Park HQ. Can't wait to check out Cascade Link!

as for the route from the summit to Bald Rock, I'd vote for Smith Summit Tr to the Amphitheater Tr (I want to check out 'Black Precipice') and then either Smith Connecting Link to Bald Rock or else Side Foot Tr to Hedgehog Tr

Anyone around Boston/Rt 2 want to carpool?
brianW said:
We can discuss after hike snack and beverage during the hike. O'Neils in Jaffery and Harlows in Peterbourgh come to mind for me.
I don't know if I'll have time for the after-party :) but I'll give two thumbs up for Harlows for those that don't mind the 10 minute drive to Peterborough. I ate there for lunch once while doing some road work in Pterborough - very good.
8:30 sounds fine. I'll certainly join you folks for the hike up. I likely will be heading north later in the PM so I may have to opt to go down the white X or dot. Post hike lunch is definitely out unfortunately. Will have titanium Honda.
I think Monadnock got mostly rain, but will take a look at it later this morning and let you know if the top has any snow.
No snow on Monadnock this morning. There may be some ice, and the forecast is for flurries today. I'm still a maybe on this trip.
Looks like we're out of his one. I was really looking forward to our first hike with VFTT. Alas, relatives (in-laws) from Cincinnati are coming a day earlier than they planned. :( Duty calls. Have fun all, I have climbed up white dot and another time from the northwest. The particular route the group was planning looked fantastic and I'll wait to read the trip report.
re Monadnock Hike

We have a meeting we are suppose to be at at long are you planning on staying up on the top? We might meet you on the top.
buddy of mine was on it last weekend and it was bare to top - no snow no ice, etc..

don't think they got that much last snow couple of days - you can call the rangers there for current condtions.
Could this possibly be made into a vftt monadnock veterans day weekend hike?
For those who have a little more flexibility, I'm out for Friday and Saturday.

Sunday, the weather looks mint.
Same deal.
Post-hike activity's are welcome too.

Skimom, Last thursday (11/3) I did the Pumpelly trail in trailrunners. No ice or snow on the trails and I could easily keep my feet dry in the wet sections. I plan on hiking with them again.

There is a slight chance of snow flurries in the area today (11/11) If I notice any today I will put up a notice. Weather for the hike looks real good!

I am not to sure how long we will be on the top. It really depends on everyone else.
I called for trail conditions....

percious said:
Do you think crampons? And don't say "insteps"! Those things are useless.

I just got off the phone with Andrew at the State Park. According to him, we should expect glazed over puddles and some hard ice in areas where the rocks and slabs are usually wet (not necessarily from precip just natural ground water flow). I asked if crampons would be a good idea. He said they shouldn't be necessary, but we may want to bring the stabilicers along just in case.

He also made a point to watch ourselves on the blanket of oak leaves, particularly in the middle elevations. He said the coverage can be deep in spots, and that a woman broke her leg there last weekend in a fall.

I inquired about the conditions of the White Dot as a "bailout" route. He said the trail was in good shape. Just watch the leaves. He wished us good luck and hopes to see us tomorrow. Andrew is The Man!

Attendies (in no particular order)


The Sikes???

Looks like a good croo.

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