OK, I'll let myself get dragged into this:
1. Sherpa has had a party and (proudly) showed off his antlers. I know, I was there.
2. The "if I don't do it someone else will" is a dodge. "If I don't leave toilet paper roses above treeline someone else will".
3. Leave no Trace is an evolving ethic. The ridicule on this thread to LNT has been directed towards tent trenching, fires, burying garbage and cutting bough beds in the past.
4. Uh, ridicule on a question like this is also very likely a dodge. It's much easier to poke fun at an idea than to confront it, think about it and consider all the implications.
5. LNT, IMO, is intended to do just that, make you think about what you are doing.
6. To those thinking of those who may pass after you, your consideration for others is to be commended.
7. LNT varies by region. Just try to justify thinly spreading feces over a sunny rock in the NE. Elsewhere this is acceptable LNT behavior.
8. There are rules and regs, follow them or not as you will. LNT has little to do with rules and regs, to some it's a guideline, to others an intrusion, to yet others a belief system that could be compared to a religion (can I use that word?).
9. Ask yourself: If I haul out x .lbs of antler/rocks/whatever that I find will I as readily haul out x .lbs of used toilet paper, discarded tarp or old cans? If not, why?
10. There is no 10.