Mt Blanc - Hard Decision - Appreciate Input

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First off I only read 2 pages of previous comments I was bored. Anywho, I would make 2 points. First off, if your not going to enjoy the climb why do it? secondly you remind of something I adhere to. I have zero interest in hirering a guide to haul me up something I cant climb on my own. To me that reduces the mountain to your level using someone elses skills. I climb routes and peaks that I can lead or solo or I have no sense of acccomplishment after.
Dont get me wrong, everyones different, if thats your thing so be it, Im not knocking you. I used to climb with a dude and I lead 90% of the routes we did, worked out good for me, but I always thought he was getting less out of the climbs then me.
Abster -- :D .

I can attest from my previous experience that following somebody else's lead or even *gasp* having a guide can still be a rewarding experience. You're going to have an awesome trip. :) In which direction are you doing the Haute Route?
second take

Okay Sierra, my last post was reactive, let me try again...

Taking myself out of my comfort zone is a great growing opportunity and many times the things that are the most difficult have the most impact and learning - good or bad is TBD. That is what I am willing to risk my comfort for. Going outside of your comfort zone may be following someone else's lead - again a good opportunity for learning. Your post gives me the opportunity to practice my patience on varied input from the world.

However, I appreciate the comments of the people who have posted here, so the next time, if you feel bored look to logic and read something else.

And - ouch - nothing reduces a mountain except for time and weather. :D
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sierra said:
First off I only read 2 pages of previous comments I was bored. Anywho, I would make 2 points. First off, if your not going to enjoy the climb why do it? secondly you remind of something I adhere to. I have zero interest in hirering a guide to haul me up something I cant climb on my own. To me that reduces the mountain to your level using someone elses skills. I climb routes and peaks that I can lead or solo or I have no sense of acccomplishment after.
Dont get me wrong, everyones different, if thats your thing so be it, Im not knocking you. I used to climb with a dude and I lead 90% of the routes we did, worked out good for me, but I always thought he was getting less out of the climbs then me.

Well excuuusees that's quite an attitude you got there for
I dont have an atitude, I just speak my mind and express myself with no regret, Im not much into sugar coating things thats all, take it or leave it.

abster, your soliciating opinions and I gave you mine, by all means do whats best for you. So I get bored easy what can I say, spider your excused.
sierra said:
I dont have an atitude, I just speak my mind and express myself with no regret, Im not much into sugar coating things thats all, take it or leave it.

abster, your soliciating opinions and I gave you mine, by all means do whats best for you. So I get bored easy what can I say, spider your excused.

I'll leave it...I think I can find a special place for it.
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It's all good! No harm done - opinions are good - opinions on the subject are even better... :D

I've got a lot of momentum here because of you guys and it brings back the realization that the prep toward the event is just as good as the event it self! I have 4-5 months of getting in better shape - which mean lots of hiking :D , assessing my gear, booking a flight, brushing up on my German (and French, Italian?), and being in the midst of knowing for sure what an adventure life can be!

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

No, wait, Hanna. It sounds like you're closing down the thread. Not yet. I haven't told you how hardcore I am.

Thanks for 63. :D :D :D

As usual there is plenty of great advice but the one thing I didn't see is anyone tell you what I have learned. I have never, ever regretted trying anything that I have tried, even when I failed. I do regret the things I decided to not try.

Do it. Seriously, train, condition, work on the height thing but whatever you do, don't pass this up. You can do it.

Abster said:
I have 4-5 months of getting in better shape - which mean lots of hiking :D , assessing my gear, booking a flight, brushing up on my German (and French, Italian?), and being in the midst of knowing for sure what an adventure life can be!
Sounds like you may need a hike across Katahdin's Knife Edge, speaking French the whole way. :D For another option, there must be some good places in the Dacks that you could hike with some of our Montreal friends.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at your reaction to some places that are considered "exposed." Remember some of the steep and treacherous stuff you've climbed in the past without a problem.
SAR-EMT40 said:

As usual there is plenty of great advice but the one thing I didn't see is anyone tell you what I have learned. I have never, ever regretted trying anything that I have tried, even when I failed. I do regret the things I decided to not try.

Do it. Seriously, train, condition, work on the height thing but whatever you do, don't pass this up. You can do it.

Keith, you must have missed my advice :rolleyes: We certainly are of like minds on this one! No success is achieved by never trying. By trying, you have succeeded in that most important event: the start.
SherpaKroto said:
Keith, you must have missed my advice :rolleyes: We certainly are of like minds on this one! No success is achieved by never trying. By trying, you have succeeded in that most important event: the start.

Your right. I scanned most of them but I didn't read all of them real close. I read your advice and you are correct we are definetly of a like mind on this, for sure. So instead of me standing along on this. Consider mine a second vote for what SherpaKroto said. :D :cool:

Abster said:
....I have 4-5 months of getting in better shape - which mean lots of hiking :D , assessing my gear, booking a flight, brushing up on my German (and French, Italian?), and being in the midst of knowing for sure what an adventure life can be!
Don't forget yoga - not only will the strength, flexibility, and balance help, gaining better control over one's mind - that is, being able to block out distractions (i.e. your fears) allowing a keener focus on what's important (the task at hand) can make for a much more enjoyable experience. As many have said here using other words, getting the mind in shape is every bit important as the body - through yoga you achieve both simultaneously.
Have Fun!

Abster... been following your thread with interest. I'm with Giggy and his crew on this one. Go for it. A guided climb is the way to go. I will also be in Europe this summer (June), but with limited time and limited $. At the very least, I will do some sightseeing and lay the groundwork for next time. By the way, your response in #63 was priceless! ;) Stu
Signed Up!

I signed up for Mt Blanc this week!! :D :eek: :)

Gonna go for it. Since, I posted this thread, I have been rock climbing in a gym each week - working on a 5.10 currently, but know it is nothing like getting outdoors. Most importantly, I am now comfortable enough to fall :) :eek: :D

The Great Gully climb this weekend with Gig and friends was great - even if it did get scary.

In addition there have been sad events - distant relative dying in a car accident and a neighbor finding she has 4th-stage breast cancer at 35 - reminds me of the things that need to be present EVERY day of life. Joy of the outdoors does it for me! :D :D
Abster said:
I signed up for Mt Blanc this week!! :D :eek: :)

Gonna go for it. Since, I posted this thread, I have been rock climbing in a gym each week - working on a 5.10 currently, but know it is nothing like getting outdoors. Most importantly, I am now comfortable enough to fall :) :eek: :D

Cool. Don't forget to take lots of pictures to share with everyone when you get back. Have a great time!
