Its interesting to see how the PR morphed over the weeks. As issues come up Hydro Quebec has created new ads trying to counter them.
Its been a default Anti CMP referendum for quite awhile.
Of late, the No side hired a "grandma" that barely mentions the actual corridor and somehow tries to link the project with heating costs. There is a tenuous link to heating as one of the few benefits to Mainers is future financing of some air source heat pumps. The amount of money spent so far on advertising far exceeds the amount the project was going to subsidize.
There are quite a few ads linking the opposition to "out of state oil and gas" and implying its referendum against oil and gas. The yes side is heavily funded by companies that own two fairly efficient natural gas plants in Maine , plus the nuclear power station in Seabrook NH and the mostly backup 800 MW oil fired power plant at Cousins Island in Yarmouth. They are not oil and gas firms as such but use oil and gas to generate power. Cousins Island will still be needed for peaking supply and backup for the indefinite future. The gas plants will have a tougher time of it. Seabrook is carbon neutral (per current standards) so its not impacted.
Retroactivity by the legislature is also an issue that is hyped up to get conservative voters to vote no. CMP recently reportedly targeted conservatives with mailers linking a yes vote to new anti gun laws.
There has been a deliberate blending of environmental benefits to Maine versus "New England" by the No side. The power on the corridor is strictly for Mass, it does not change. Since HQ will not certify that the power will come from strictly hydroelectric sources, its questionable about the overall impact to global warming as HQ has a problematical gas fired power plant in Three Rivers Quebec that they have been having to pay not to run that could just as well be dispatched to displace existing hydro power used in Quebec that is sent down the corridor.
Not many name brand headliners for either side, the yes groups tend to identify their supporters while the no ads have mix of unnamed individuals, some firms that are directly benefiting from the construction and a clothing manufacturer whose connection to the project is unknown.
The vote yes groups have pretty well stuck to the impact the environment but on occasion counter the PR by the against group.
The latest polls look like its going against the corridor . No doubt the lawsuits will continue. The big downside to CMP is if they fight it, it makes them look like bully and in the background is an attempt for the state to create a public power company to take over power generation in the state.