"Pound the Presis" - Presi travese to benefit TBTS


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Assuming I'm not still wandering the trails - I'll be looking for a ride back to the Boston area on Sunday if anyone has an extra space.

see you all at CMR
Hey hey!! Wrapping up my works here and getting ready for my vacation :D

Despite all the begging and winking, I'm only manage to squeeze $375 out of my relatively wealthy co-workers. But the good news is the company we work for will match 100% of the donation, which give me a $750 in total :)

Hi Kea, can't help you on Sunday, but I have room for you or anyone who need a ride Friday afternoon from north of Boston to CMR, just email me.

Looking forward to meet all of you and a great hike!
Hey......I didn't receive the distribution list....sent an email to Jay but it looks like he may be out of the online loop til Monday....can someONE email it to me AND Double Bow...please? [email protected]

jade said:
Hey......I didn't receive the distribution list....sent an email to Jay but it looks like he may be out of the online loop til Monday....can someONE email it to me AND Double Bow...please? [email protected]


Check your Email...just sent it through.
See all of you soon! I've got an extra camp chair and some firewood... found a new use for the Bear Cannister -- I holds 1-3/4 bags of ice!! (You just have to have BIG cooler!!

Travel safe one and all. All that's between me and there is a drive!! :D
We are not doing the traverse - but are planning to be out hiking. Our tenative plan is to head up Edmunds Path, then towards Washington if it is a nice day, before heading back down via the Ammo trail. Following Tee Jay's idea - well sort of - we will make a donation of $5 for every VFTT hiker who says hello to us on the trail. We'll even look for others with a VFTT sign and say hello to them for those who don't know us or recognize us.

Good luck to all! Be safe and have fun!

Anyone looking for a hike tomorrow - we plan on hitting Jefferson via Caps Ridge - starting at 9 AM.
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bobandgeri said:
We are not doing the traverse - but are planning to be out hiking. Our tenative plan is to head up Edmunds Path, then towards Washington if it is a nice day, before heading back down via the Ammo trail. Following Tee Jay's idea - well sort of - we will make a donation of $5 for every VFTT hiker who says hello to us on the trail. We'll even look for others with a VFTT sign and say hello to them for those who don't know us or recognize us.

Good luck to all! Be safe and have fun!

Anyone looking for a hike tomorrow - we plan on hitting Jefferson via Caps Ridge - starting at 9 AM.

stop by CMR to say hi :)
I'm going to be a late addition to the crowd. I'll be in Hanover for the first part of the weekend but plan on leaving there around noon on Sat and heading for the southern Presies to try and meet folks on the ridge. Depending on when I get out I'll probably park at Crawford and either head north via Jackson or Pierce. I'll have my VftT patch somewhere.

And, if I'm organized, I'll have some goodies for the hikers. Then I'd love to join the gang at CMR.

Well, I'm definitely out now. No hiking buddy, poor me... :(

But the real reason is I'm about to become an Uncle, my sister-in-law is delivering early. Have fun everybody!


Shizzmac420 (Sean) was involved in a car accident on his way to work last night. He is fine, bumps and bruises only (I spoke to him at length this morning), but will not be able to make it as his truck was totaled. From what I could make out, he was hit from the rear by an apparent drunk/impaired driver. Fortunately, he has a witness who had seen the driver driving erratically since the prior town. In any event, Sean is fine, his truck is not.

In addition to missing Sean's smiling mug, you will also be without his culinary skills (i.e. GRILLS) and musical entertainment (i.e. moe). Someone needs to figure out other arrangements for this.

For me, it means that I am now without a ride. I left Mike P. a voicemail, so hopefully I will still make it up.

EDIT: I am driving up solo (well, attempting anyway...). Will have small grill and table with me. May be able to pick up a small awning to cover the table. Look for me: Green Subaru Wagon, Ma Plates, VFTT, AMC, ADK, BSP stickers on trunk.
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Glad to hear that he is okay. Hope you can find a ride SherpaK.

Be aware that there are lots of moose out right now, especially on Rte 3 and 302 so be carefull driving tonight!
I'm sending out good postive vibes that everyone travels safely....so sorry to hear about Sean, but glad he is ok.....especially hoping that you get a ride SK, I know it would so help lift your spirits (and everyone else's!!) to hang out with good friends..........

Sean, Glad to hear you are okay. Take care of yourself.

Everyone doing the traverse . . . good luck and enjoy the sunshine, I am envious. :D Looks to be a GORGEOUS weekend.

Jay, I will send the money I raised directly to TBTS and mark it as part of this fundraising hike.

I don't know if anybody is still around or not, but posting anyway. We're not familiar with the Whites, so were wondering what is the route most people are taking? We have a book and maps, but there are a ton of trails.

Also, what time are people planning on starting tomorrow morning?

There are three of us coming and we have to work today, so won't be getting to CMR until later tonight. I hope to talk to people there to get an idea about the route, but just wanted to check in case most people are asleep when we get there.

We're psyched that the weather looks great and we're looking forward to the hike and meeting everybody!
Hey there, Pudgy!:D

The majority of people are going up Valley Way as this is the easiest way to get up on the ridge. Folks that want a slightly more challenging way up may take Airline, though there have been a lot of reports of blowdowns there. Once on the ridge, folks will scoot up Madison and then on to wherever they think they ought to stop!

I'll be starting up with Jade, Frytz, and Rocksnrolls around 5:30am. You're welcome to join us, if you'd like. Just show up at Appalachia and say "hi". Either way, if you show up @ Appalachia anytime between 5-6am, you'll probably find a whole lot of people going up.
Thanks double bow! That helps. We'll have plenty of time to go over the maps in the car (we have a long drive ahead of us), so I'll look at what you mentioned.

We thought about getting a really early start so we could catch sunrise from a peak (thinking maybe 4 am), but that's one of those ideas that probably sounds better now than tomorrow morning. I think at the latest we'll start around 5-5:30. At any rate, I'm sure we'll bump into you at some point (hopefully I'll still be upright and able to put one foot in front of the other :) ).