I'm not sure whether to say this discussion missed my point or proved it
What I was trying to say is that most people don't know what is in the Forest Plan, wouldn't like it if they did, and the Forest Service is getting stricter on enforcing it all the time.
I seem to be definitely correct on the first point as nobody but MJ knew about the no-guides rule, am probably correct on the second as most people think club hikes to Owls Head are reasonable, and for the third I'll just say that 20 years ago the FS wasn't busy removing cairns, blazes, and signs (not to mention bridges) as fast as they are now.
I know all Boston Chapter trips are required to file a trip report with the WMNF listing destination, trails used, and # of participants for all trips in the National Forest.
Just because you aren't arrested for going over 65 mph on I-93 doesn't make it legal or mean the police don't know you are doing it. They can suddenly decide to enforce the law for environmental or financial reasons any time.
The new Pemi district ranger chose to remove a bridge that her predecessors thought was fine, and made it happen immediately so there would be no time to respond. She can similarly crack down quite a lot within existing Wilderness rules with no public comment period.
So what do I need to do to get a link to the Forest Plan posted as a sticky, so that people who care can read it, and we won't have to rehash everything whenever a newcomer enters the discussion?