SherpaKroto Injury

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Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday SherpaK! My birthday wish for you is for a complete and speedy recovery. May you enjoy the gifts you have and the gifts you'll receive. Hoping you're back on the trails sooner than later. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday SherpaK!.....enjoy the day because the Yankees will make you sad tonight! (I hope)
Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!

Well you got your wish!!! To be home on May 9th.
See wishes do come true!
Happy Birthday SherpaK! Have a good one! Keep em' coming! :)
Happy Birthday! Glad to hear that you are home. May your Birthday be filled with the magical healing and love from all of your friends and family.

See you soon,
Rob & Carla
Happy Birthday to Yooooou


Christmas on the 5th and now your birthday - all in one month. So glad that you are finally home. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

While I know this isn't how you had envisioned your birthday this year, I am sure that just being home with family is one of the best presents you've ever received. Funny how a life altering event can change the way you look at life.

Keep getting better - we miss you!!!
Happy Birthday SherpaK! We're all thinking of you and sending you warm wishes on this wonderful day. I'm so glad you are home with your family. And remember, when you need a little extra love, you always have a family here. Hope to see you soon!

Happy Birthday buddy! I hope this marks the start of a year of healing and recovery. Enjoy the day at home with your family, and raise a frosty one if the docs say it's okay.
Happy Birthday Sherpa!! What a wonderful present to be home.

Seeing the picture of you getting "Ready to Rumble (ramble?)" makes me realize just how much I look forward to seeing your smiling mug on the trail. Hmm, wait, I think I've spent more time with you in bars than on the trail. So, I look forward to seeing your smiling mug holding court at Boston Beerworks.

Congrats on making it to 51. After the year you've had, the next 30 or so should be a cake walk.
Ode to Sherpa

There once was a man from Nansen,
Bold, witty & handsome.
He left for the city,
But thought it was ******.
Thought he'd get back to the land some.
Found something he'd liked,
Got out and hiked!
Enjoyed the peaks and the views,
Decided to share his good news.
He had a great fall,
From a cliff just a little too tall,
But he made so many good friends,
They were there to put him back together again!

Happy birthday bro, see ya soon... :D
great to have you back sherpak, and happy birthday too.

:) Happy Birthday Sherpa! Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery now that you're home! Hope to see you soon!
Happy Birthday buddy, when you're counting backwards just dont' pass me on your way by. The card went out in yesterday's mail, one of 100's you've probably received, will receive.... :D