Suggestions for a White Mountain Moron

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Sep 3, 2003
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In the image of man
Okay, I've done a fair bit of walking here in NY, time to head east. Later this summer, I'll be making my annual trip to visit the kinfolk near Limrock, ME. Usually, it's 2-3 day affair and most of that spent with non-hiking family. This year, we're doing a weeks worth. My uncle has a place in N. Conway and we'll be headed up there for a few days and we'll be hiking. The problem is, I don't know jack about the Whites, other than they are -WHITE- (that was the view from my sole white mountain forrey).

I'm looking for the good stuff. I've already done Adams, so that one is out. Also, I have no interest in buying anything at the summit ;). So tell me, what's a good hike. I'd say we're going as a family unit, but my kids are fairly descent hikers, so I wouldn't think we have any limitations.

It'll be a dayhike, possibly two seperate dayhikes. I've got guidebooks, but I want the real skinny from people that know. Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, it'll be towards the end of July so if anyone is interested in joining, that'd be cool too, just let me know. Thanks.
I'd highly recommend Lafayette and Lincoln. Taking the Falling Waters trail up and the Old Bridle Path down is a popular loop. Lots of great waterfalls on the way up, and the ridgewalk on top is spectacular. It's a great dayhike.
TONS of places to go hiking especially with the family. Wanna go up high for views? Stay down low? I guess this would be better asked as.. "What are your fav white mountain hikes?"

Chocorua, Willard, Webster/Jackson, Nancy pond area,

Man ya know what... its just too vague a question to answer my friend. No limitations really opens it up. I suggest buying a tyvek map of the whites... hanging it on a wall.. and throwing a dart at it.. where ever it lands.. GO THERE! Just make sure you read the guide book. :D
Sherpa John said:
TONS of places to go hiking especially with the family. Wanna go up high for views? Stay down low? I guess this would be better asked as.. "What are your fav white mountain hikes?" ......

Oh yeah, I forgot to add. WE WANNA GO UP.

I could throw a dart and "just go there" and it would probably be interesting. But I think we'll stick to trails on this one. Boring as hell I know, but my wife (and daughter) have still not forgiven me for the last ADK HH bushwhack I took em on (which was Blue Ridge - E. Cedar Lakes for those in the know :eek: ). My son loved it though. ;)
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Mavs - I've been reading your reports here for quite awhile now, always enjoyable. In fact, I wish I knew more about the mountains you were describing. I've always wondered if distance was the only thing that kept you out of the Whites or if you'd had a bad experience there or something.
Anyway, since you're time here will be limited, you'll want the most bang for your buck. Franconia Ridge is great, as Artex mentioned, but my favorite hike, the one with the biggest WOW factor, has always been Mt. Jefferson via Caps Ridge Trail. Great views, some scrambles, you can make it as long or as short as you like, and there is absolutely nothing to buy at the top..... ;)
Whatever you decide, I know you and your family will enjoy it. I can't wait to read your TR on this one!

Since you already have done Adams I would vote for Madison and Jefferson...there are a few ways to do each of these. Also, Eisenhower and Monroe are great, and the pair that Artex mentioned are two of my favorites. Lots of up and lots of views with all of these.
A good place to take the family would be up the 19 mile brook trail. It's a nice walk that takes you to Carter Notch which has 2 ponds, great views of cliffs, and a neat boulder field to explore. Then if you're game you can climb Carter Dome and Mt. Hight, which IMHO has one of the best views in the Northeast and certainly one of the best views of the Presi's. This area is one of my favorite places in the whites and I never tire of taking people up to see it!
I agree with Artex and Saps suggestions.... and funky freddy's suggestion of Mount Height... by far one of my top 3 fav places for a view!
Since you've already done a northern Presidential hike I'd choose something quite different, to give you a feel of the different areas in the Whites.

My first choice (it's pretty much always my first choice) would be a loop over Moosilauke, starting at the Ravine Lodge. Go up Gorge Brook, across the ridge on the Carriage Road, short jaunt up South Peak, then down to the Snapper trail and back to the lodge.

Another nice loop that would feel very different than Adams would be the Tripyramid loop, near Waterville Valley. It starts on the Livermore trail, and branches off for a steep climb up the sheer North Slide. A short ridge walk over Middle and South, the the scree-like South Slide and work your way back to Livermore.

The Franconia Ridge can get a little crowded on the weekends. It's best hiked early on a clear weekday. Other great hikes include:
Jefferson via Caps Ridge Trail (as previously mentioned)
Carrigain via Signal Ridge Trail (about 46 of the 48 4,000 footers visible from the tower)
Bondcliff from the Kanc. (cover af AMC WM Guide 27th edition)
Carter Dome, Mt. Hight loop (also mentioned, Mt. Hight has the best views in the Carter-Moriah Range)
Moosilauke via almost any route

I could go on and on and.......
The Franconia ridge loop is a must do hike in the Whites. Making a loop of Ascending Jefferson via Caps and descending the Castle trail is another great day, the link is the only bad spot. If you feel comfortable with your children scrambling you may want to climb Flume Slide and descend Liberty. Climbing Huntington crossing the Alpine Garden Trail and down Lions Head or Tuckermans would also make for a great day.
A more ambitious Franconia Ridge hike is to do the entire ridge--Flume to Lafayette. (Or Liberty to Lafayette.) A car spot can be avoided by walking the paved bikepath between the trailheads.

A very nice ridge walk--best on a nice day.


before you decide where you go, you better go ahead and plan on which peak you want to finish on. Then when you get somewhere around 28 or so, you won't be annoyed b/c you already climbed "all the good ones."

and I think your kinfolk would be offended if you go to "Limrock" I suspect they live in Limerick! Limerock is the speedway in CT :D

and I agree with SJ. Get the map and stare at it. It'll become apparent where you want to go next.

Bondcliff is a great hike, but its a long day that involved 5 miles of flat walking just to access the Bondcliff Trail. It is worth the walk, but it is a long day.

I'll second the vote for Falling Waters->Franconia Ridge->Old Bridal Path. Yea, it is going to be crowded. Yea, you will see a ton of people on the trail. But there is a reason, it is one of the best hikes in the Whites. Fantastic waterfalls and 3 miles above treeline in a 9+ mile hike. How can you beat that?

Moosilauke is a great hike as well. The loop that Dave described is a good one for sure.

If you kids are good a scrambling, I would recommend the Castle Ravine->Jefferson->Castle Ridge hike. I just did that for the first time last year and it was great. The Ravine is a little rugged in spots, but you are used to trails in the ADKs, so this should make you feel right at home. :) Castle Ridge is very cool.

If you need shorter type hikes, there are many options. Liberty via Liberty Springs Trail is the first to pop to mind. Its a short, steep climb to the top with a total 360 view from the summit. If you get to the top and are feeling good, head the 1 mile over to Flume.

In Crawford Notch, you have Avalon, which is just a bump on the side of Mt Field. However, while Field has a very limited view, Avalon is totally exposed and has a fantastic view of Crawford Notch (thanks, Darren). And, its only 1.8 miles from the road.

There are lots and lot of options, mavs. I hope this helps. Feel free to add some more details about what you are looking for.
If you can go on a weekday, my vote would be the Fran Ridge Loop up Falling Waters and down OBP or Southern Presis up Ammo with a stop at Franklin then down Crawford. If it's gotta be a weekend, then I'd go up Shelburne from Wild River and down Moriah Brook. Just a flatlander's $0.02. ;)
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Mavs: Since you will be in North Conway...
1st dayhike: Hands down, Great Gulf to Six Husbands up, over Jefferson, down Sphinx to Great Gulf. A little over 14 miles, into the Great Gulf Wilderness, and some incredible scenery. Your younguns will love it, and you'll spend most of the day hinging your jaw back. If I could do one loop over and over, that would be it.
2nd dayhike: Mt Hight and Carter Dome from the 19 Mile Brook Trail, Carter Dome Tr to Zeta Pass, Carter Moriah Tr to Mt Hight and Carter Dome. Descend to Carter Hut on Carter Moriah Tr, and out via 19 Mile Brook. Mt Hight will give you views of what you hiked on dayhike 1.

Another thought is Mad Gulf up to Madison, and then down Osgood. I've not done Mad Gulf (scheduled 7/15), so I can't comment much on it.

BTW, when exactly are you coming out? End of July I'm busy out west with 11 other crazies here ;), but am at my cabin in Maine every weekend in July
Frankly, if you're heading over to Maine, you might want to consider some hiking in the Western Mountains. There are certainly enough 4k footers (Sugarloaf, Bigelow Range, the Crockers etc.) to keep you challenged for a few days and it will be a lot less crowded than NH. The Bigelows have some of the greatest views (just my opinion) in New can see both Katahdin and Washington from the summit(s).