I am wishing we had (collectively, myself included) paid a little more attention to the details in the forest plan revision, as I think the implications of some apparently minor technical bits are coming back to bite us.
I'll probably be writing a comment based on the Plan, the Wilderness Act, the Eastern Wilderness Act, and the 1984 Act. Something along the lines of "opportunities for challenge and solitude get undermined if access goes essentially to zero." I don't think a Pemi Wilderness with no crossings of the East Branch is really consistent with the goals of those Acts. But it's pretty hard to argue that this one bridge is the Market Garden*. What's really needed is a global assessment of crossings throughout the Pemi. If there's a place that's safely fordable (or could be made so) 90% of the time by 95+% of the people, cool, let's set that up (and yes, that probably would involve construction of some small amount of new trail, and/or resurrection of the old Wilderness Trail). Otherwise let's talk about minimally-invasive assisted crossings, e.g., the plank on the AT by CVR. But this "full bridge is noncompliant, go to nothing" is a little too much trees, not enough forest.
(*Bridge too far...)