I think the conditions in the Whites can be tough to navigate above treeline in bad conditions. When I started winter hiking, I rarely went above treeline unless it was a nice day. Over time, I pushed myself deeper into the abyss as I learned. There has been and always will be hikers who do not have the skillset for tough conditions that will proceed into them anyway. This results in rescues and or mishaps including deaths, always been that way, always will be that way. While we are VERY fortunate to have such a playground to challenge us, it comes with a price, it eats newbies for lunch. I wouldnt protest a better sign up there, but to be honest, it may help, it may not. Signs get covered in rime and you can wander past one by 5ft and miss it. I think it great to try and fix things to help and save people, but keep in mind, you just cannot save everyone. I'm against over blazing and over signing from a pure wilderness perspective. Example, those " Ten Essentials" and " Hike Safe " signs are everywhere, as well as the F and G stuff about rescues. Has that cut down on mishaps and rescues? No it has not. Just saying.