I've got a very nice lightweight aluminum Black Diamond shovel. It breaks apart but does not extend. Metal blade and shaft, around 40 bucks. As it's metal I see it being used for other things besides digging, chopping through ice to get water comes to mind.
Cat crap, pee bottle... here's one that hasn't yet made it to the list- poop tube.
Now, I'm sure I'll catch some "crap" for this one but hear me out.
First of all, you guys seem to be up for peeing in a bottle, how about number 2? In the name of Leave No Trace, and an increasing number of winter visitors, a poop tube is an increasingly necessary item.
Lets say over the course of the winter 30 people camp at a certain campsite or lean-to. We'll assume each of them takes one dumb during their stay and there is no outhouse. They all walk an appropriate distance from their campsites, water sources, etc. Now, the ground is fozen so a cat hole is out of the question, and you can't leave your paper behind in the snow anyway. So, ideally (if you use paper) you're already having to pack this out. When spring comes and all of the snow melts, we now have 30 landmines spread out around this site. Additionally, as the snow melts and water runs, particles of this poo are being washed into water sources, where the next visitors may be filling their bottles.
What's the sulution to this pollution? A poop tube! That's right, go in container and take it home! Kinda gross, I certainly agree. Kayakers and rafters have accepted the "groover", hikers get the tube.
For a great reference on how to make your own tube read "How To Sh*t In The Woods". I forgot who wrote it.