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Jason Berard
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  • Hi Jason and hoping you guys have a fun one Wed on Waumbek!! i m doing s carter and carter dome tomorrow with my friend rodney and maybe wildcat d from the ski area thurs (that is if my 55 year old legs and back are ok with that!!) i d be up to helping out on your trail sometime course i got mahoosuc from hayes to trident col..
    Would have been off today and good for a hike but work is where I need to be. Could have joined me last year! ;-) Maybe next year and we plan ahead. I'll only be 50 and 10 more than you!;)
    Thanks for the greenie Jason! I'm still baffled by how conditioned these guys are. They were sweating but still in decent shape Saturday night, not all cramped and lame like I would have thought! Just looked pretty tired and exhausted from all the miles. Happy trails!;)
    Thanks for the greenie, Rickb did a great job staying safe on the moos. He should be proud. I would be.
    hey Jason..nice job on Iso..that's a good one to have a pack for :<)
    thanks for the greenie
    Tried to give you a green square for your trail work but system wouldn't let me. How old is your Jonsered (or course the new ones are Husqurvnas in red). I bought one last year and I love it. Father in law has an old one and it still runs like a charm.
    Hey Jason, many thanks for the green-spot on the Polly report. Much appreciated! Will see you out there soon, I'm sure.
    Jason -- I wish you had been able to go on Thursday's sunset hike, as well. There will be other times, though. Thank you for the green square!
    Just wanted to let you know I changed my username from cgarby to cooperhill. Cheers. Happy trail working. I'm almost done with my trail on Chocorua for the year.
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