Billable - sounds like it
Payable by an unemployed welder - not likely Maybe he can use his welding skills for some type of community service.
Compared to food, shelter, the hospital bill, the SAR bill can't be a high priority.
As a 30 year old, my experience wasn't much different, just waited for warmer weather but more fortunate. First mountain hike was Greylock in humid conditions, over dressed (okay I did read about Mt. Weather & over dressed)
The 2nd was a rainy 40 something day on Mansfield & poor map reading skills, decent sense of direction though. (never got lost hunting & no map involved) I knew my map skills were zilch so when I reached treeline in the fog and rain, I did not stray far from the trail I came up on) Went back two weeks later to summit Mansfield with slighly better map reading skills & then had a successful but stupid trip up Katahdin.
The early gear I had, much of it was cotton, footwear was poor (old Raquetball shoes, I wasn't going to wear the good ones
- last worn on Katahdin) but health was pretty good. (VB 3X a week or more, 40 miles biking, plus 3-4 x a week in the gym)
Point is sometimes your just lucky & sometimes you're not, same as driving at night in moose country or after midnight on weekends near bars. More people head out late, or unprepared & nothing happens. The weather is benign & they get out the last 100 yards by cell phone light or moonlight. But when it goes bad, in many cases, the same similarities crop up. Hopefully a few more see themselves (generally not us, few if any of us are newbies anymore, we may need SAR for a fall though) in Mr. Walsh & they learn.